Is actually quite easy, you just need to install an application called Securet Livestream on your android gadgets. Securet Livestream itself is a streaming video camera application for android.
How To Create Streaming Video Camera:
- Install Securet in your android.
- Open securet, click start to run this application.
- Now you have a camera gadget android can be accessed live via a browser.
- To find out, try to input the ip address and port addresses are listed in securet. Ip address my android device when connected to a wifi network is so I try to access from a laptop using a browser (eg: Google Chrome) mennjadi (8000 is the port)
And this is his appearance in the gadget andoid directly:
How come? Easy right? Let's make streaming live events with your android. :)
INFO: You do not have a wifi network to try it?? Read the tutorial to make a hotspot just by using a laptop.
Download Securet LiveStream Android
Sources: Remo-xp
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